This is the third in a series of six exhibitions
exploring the subject of Spanish stonelight, i.e., the nature and relationship of light in and about the great stone monuments of Spain,
particularly her religious structures. In the autumn of 1998, my wife, Til and I made a three month visit to Spain, largely in response to a
suggestion to younger photographers made in 1917 by the great English photographer, Frederick Henry Evans "to start afresh and take
cathedrals new to me (Spain for choice)"....So far as I know, Evans never made a journey to Spain to photograph its cathedrals, nor have
I learned of anyone else who has attempted to do so in a comprehensive manner.
While working in Spain, I often wondered how Frederick Evans might
have dealt with the subjects which attracted my attention and frequently I felt inspired by an exhilaration which I imagined he might have
expressed on certain occasions. I can only hope that he would not look with disfavor on my efforts, and that you, the viewer, will experience
some of the joy I had in making these images in my own way.