Ever since Philip and Ina Trager introduced me to
the work of Frederick Evans in 1996, I have felt a special kindred relationship with this classical English photographer, even though our
abilities, methods and materials differ considerably. In particular, Evans worked with large format cameras and created superb negatives of
occasionally manipulated scenes that were then beautifully contact printed, while I work with small and medium format cameras to produce
negatives of scenes as I find them, opting to manipulate them later, during the enlargement process.
In response to the criticism of a colleague of his, Evans wrote "If I were younger and deeper in pocket, I would
start afresh and take cathe
drals new to me (Spain for choice).....Let me commend this new work to
the younger generation, who prefer good work to mere publicity." Evans wrote this in 1917, at the age of 63. So far as I know, Evans
never made a journey to Spain to photograph its cathedrals, nor have I learned of anyone else who has attempted to do so in a comprehensive
Because of my great admiration for his work, I resolved to undertake Evans' commendation and, at the age of 57, set out
with my wife Til to photograph the cathedrals and other monuments of Spain for three months in the latter part of 1998. The images presented
in this exhibit, as well as in several subsequent exhibits planned for this web site, are the result of our quest.
During my work in Spain, I often wondered how Evans might have dealt with the subjects which attracted my attention, and
frequently I felt inspired by the joy which I imagined he might have expressed on certain occasions. I can only hope that he would not look
with disfavor on my efforts, and that you will experience some of the joy I had in making these images in my own way.