Exhibit IV
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27 January - 26 July 2000
Dedicated to the memory of my brother, Daniel Lane Edwards Huckins,
Quinquennial Retrospective
As it has been five years since my quest to become a
more expressive photographer began, I am taking the opportunity to review some of my work over this period.
This exhibit spans the years of my commitment to black-and-white photography and illustrates the range of my photographic
interests to date. However, the name for this exhibition is something of a misnomer, as it is as much an indication of where I seem to be
heading with my photography as it is a presentation of where I have gone with my work over the past five years. It is my hope to
develop more complete exhibitions of several themes of which only fragments are represented in this exhibition.
Aphrodite - Agora, Athens, Greece, 1996 © Charles A. Huckins
A more detailed discussion of the images in this
exhibit may be had by clicking on the appropriate hypertext link below. I hope also that you will enjoy viewing the images of this exhibition
as much as I did in making them.
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