Exhibit III
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23 September 1999 - 26 January 2000
Dedicated to the memory of my father, Thomas A. Huckins (1901-1982),
Captain, USN, and Wallace R. MacAskill (1890-1956), Nova Scotia's Poet of the Camera
Taste of Nova Scotia
I was first introduced to the pristine beauty of Nova Scotia by my
father when we sailed its coastline from Shelburne to Halifax in1958.
After 39 years, I finally had the opportunity to return with my wife and explore it in more depth, this time by car. We
toured its still pristine coast, as well as its inland charms, for a little more than a month in the summer of 1997. Every day was spent
making many images of its ever changing moods and in getting to know the extremely hospitable people of Nova
For the title of this exhibit, I have taken the liberty of adopting the words of the Nova Sco
"Opponents" - Lower Shelburne Harbour, 1997 © Charles A. Huckins
tia Restaurant Association's slogan by which their member restaurants are identified.
Although I only offer food for the eye, I hope that the 16 images comprising this exhibit will give the viewer a small taste of the many
visual treats that this beautiful Canadian province has to offer.
For this photographer, no trip to Nova Scotia could be complete without a visit to the MacAskill House Museum
(http://fortress.uccb.ns.ca/historic/askill.html), which displays some of the
many magnificent images created by Wallace MacAskill, the world's greatest marine photographer.
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