Portraits II

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Doorstep Children. Santillana del Mar, Cantabria, Spain. 18 October 1998.

Copra Farmer. Dominica, Lesser Antilles. 21 November 2000.

Pipe Band Mother and Son. National Cathedral, Washington, DC. 28 September 1996.

Ode to Chocolate. Valentino's Gelato Shop, Aukland, New Zealand. 10 March 2007.

En Plein Air. Birr Castle Demesne, County Offaly, Ireland. 7 June 2008.

Friends of the Saxophone. Zurich, Switzerland. 1 October 2005

Lavender and Curry. York, England. 6 September 2009.

Living Totem. Sherbrooke Historic Village, Nova Scotia, Canada. 9 August 1997.

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